Volunteer Report

Happy National Volunteer Week!

2023 has been a tough one – we have faced heart-wrenching terrorism, war, and antisemitism. Throughout it all, you – and 1,480 fellow people – have shown up, consistently, giving of your time, your energy, and your care, to help alleviate the suffering and hardship of others.

In a dark time, you have brought light. 

Volunteers like you play a pivotal role at Ve’ahavta, where we believe that it is the personal connections between individuals that have the power to change minds and hearts, mitigate stigma and “isms”, and transform lives. It is through the discovery of our common ground in humanity that we change each other, and the world.    

You are not just a volunteer. You’re a world-changer.    

I am proud to share the impact of the energy you have invested at Ve’ahavta this year. On behalf of all of our staff and clients, thank you and see you again soon!

Brandon Lablong
Director of Community Mobilization

What you did in 2023

Our programs are now serving 201% more people than they did in 2020.

That enormous expansion has been supported by you, our dedicated donors and volunteers who have brought in clothing and supplies, facilitated courses, worked in our kitchen and warehouse, made sandwiches and baked goods, made blankets, packed harm reduction kits, ran clothing and supply drives, and otherwise showed up to support our outreach van clients and work and life skills program participants.

In 2023, 1,481 people volunteered at Ve’ahavta, 864 of them new

Volunteers who supported people
facing homelessness
in our city

You have kept top of mind, those who have been all but forgotten by society, through your work with our
Mobile Jewish Response to Homelessness
Outreach Van Program

In 2023:

You invested 4,722 hours preparing sandwiches and making baked goods through our Make-a-Meal program

You served 70,329 hot, nutritious meals from the van

563 of you handed out meals and clothing from the van

pieces of clothing
Donated and distributed

hygiene supplies
Collected and distributed

sleeping bags
Donated and distributed

harm reduction kits Assembled and distributed

Volunteers who supported our clients getting back on their feet

You have helped people facing complex barriers – refugee status, abuse, addiction, mental health challenges – to take the next steps on their journey to gainful employment by dedicating your time and energy to our work and life skills training programs.

in 2023:

volunteers helped
Recipe for Success and Upper Shelf interns reach their full potential

volunteer facilitators ran courses in Ve’ahavta’s work and life skills
training programs

We ❤️ groups

More groups of volunteers came out than ever before, from synagogues, schools, and corporations. In 2023, we hosted:

volunteer groups, totaling
858 people

B’nai Mitzvah Program Relaunch

Families seeking a rich B’nai MItzvah experience participated in our freshly relaunched B’nai Mitzvah program.

Youth had the opportunity to put Torah values – like chesed and tzedakah – into action directly helping others, and walked away with a sense of meaning, purpose, and empowerment to make the world a better place.

30 B’nai Mitzvah program participants deepened their B’nai Mitzvah experience

It was an emergency... and you took the calL

This year, refugees from African countries found themselves shut out of the shelter system and needing to sleep on the streets of Toronto.

Two local churches created temporary beds and Ve’ahavta supported them with:

hot meals over 5 weeks

people helped out by volunteering and donating

Thanks, Kids!

This year, more kids than ever chose to support Ve’ahavta through their birthday parties.

kids chose Ve’ahavta
for their Echoage party

Why do people volunteer?

The top reasons why people volunteer with Ve’ahavta

Who are our volunteers?

Our volunteers range in age from 5-101. Volunteering is for all ages!

of new volunteers heard about volunteering at Ve’ahavta through word-of-mouth

Our volunteers speak 37 languages

“Each one of us has far more power to influence the lives of others than we might realize. The experiences I have had volunteering with Ve’ahavta not only bring me joy in the moment, but they fundamentally have impacted and will continue to impact me for the rest of my life.”

Hannah Mansell
16 years old, Ve’ahavta volunteer since age 11

100-Hour+ Club, 2023

Thank you to the following
exceptional volunteers
who each gave over 100 hours
of service in 2023:

Brian Bogach
Charly Hazan
Dalia Goodman
Daryl Usprech
Efraim Barmak
Emily Zaltz
Gayle Holtzman
Joel Daiter
Karim Kassam

Lea Barmak
Maxine Hermolin
Mirriam Rubb
Naomi Zacks
Natalie Fingerhut
Shabana Ali
Tom Siskos
Vines Rajendram
Zippy Brown